Ss. Peter & Paul RC Church
360 US Hw 46
Great Meadows, NJ 07838
Fax: 908-637-6896
Church Office Location: In the church to the right
Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30am - 3:00pm
Church, and Parking Lot, and Bathrooms are all handicapped accessible
Diocese of Metuchen
Parish Established: 1921
Rev. Grzegorz Podsiadlo,
Do you need to order a Mass, Bread & Wine for the week, Sanctuary Lamp for the week, Altar Flowers or Divine Mercy Candle?
Do you need to schedule a Baptism or Wedding? Need to request a priest visit? Or any general
questions? Contact:
Eileen Wyss, Office Administrator &
Do you have questions regarding your child's Religious Education classes? Contact:
Diane Francis, PCL, Religious Education Program..................................................908-637-4269
, Music Director
In desperate need of financial help or food? Contact:
Church Office...........................................................................................................908-637-4269
Interested in becoming Catholic? Missed some of your sacraments?
Marilyn Gorski, RCIA Program Dir.,
Gail McMahon, Pro-Life Group Dir.,
and Rosary Makers Group Dir.,
Walter Horzepa, Altar Rosary Society
Marilyn Gorski, Trustee
Walter Horzepa, Trustee