Upcoming Events

Hershey Park Discount Tickets
Discount tickets for Hershey Park are now available for purchase
through Ss. Peter & Paul Church.
The price for a regular ticket is $89.95 per person.
Our discounted price is $46.00 per person (all ages 3+).
The tickets are good for 1 day in the park and can be used
any time the park is open until January 4, 2026.
You can also use the tickets for "Hershey Park Preview". Hershey
Park Preview is using your tickets the night before, 2 1/2
hours before the park closes. Then you use the tickets the
next day of your visit. Parking is a separate cost of $26.00(if you order on-line) or $35 in person.
(If you are using the "Preview" option, the night before, be
sure to mention that as you are parking or ordering your parking pass on-line.)
Please make checks payable to Ss. Peter & Paul Church. Please make sure you can pick up your
tickets in person at our church. You can find the order forms in the back of our church or you
may download here.
Click here for an order form
Any questions please contact the church office
at 908-637-4269.

Calling all teens, grades 8-12 to join our fun-filled
Youth Group. Join us for Games, Movies, Music, Pizza, Eats & Treats, etc. Join any
time. Please register by sending in your name and age to Brian at