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Upcoming Events


Calling all teens, grades 8-12 to join our fun-filled Youth Group. Join us for Games, Movies, Music, Pizza, Eats & Treats, etc. Join any time. Please register by sending in your name and age to Brian at byoung8sts@gmail.com.



This is the month we honor our saints and the month we remember our dead.
On November 2nd, All Souls Day, Masses will be celebrated for all our dearly departed friends and relatives. You can find All Souls envelopes in the back of our church on the brown table. We will pray for all names listed on the envelopes and they will also be prayed for during other Masses in the month of November. Please note: If you have more than 6 names please put the extra names on a piece of paper and insert into the envelope.


Every morning at 9am in our chapel, Monday through Saturday.

