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Wednesday, March 5th
7 AM
6:30 PM
8 PM (Polish)
4:30 PM Ash Service for our Religious Ed Students


1. The days of fast and abstinence are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
2. All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence .
3. The obligation of fast applies only to Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59. Fasting in the Catholic tradition means to limit oneself to one full meal and two smaller meals which together are not equal to a full meal, so as to experience hunger.
4. The obligation of abstinence applies to all Catholics who have reached the age of 14. Abstinence in the Catholic tradition means to abstain from meat.


Every Friday during Lent
English 7pm
Polish 8pm


Daily Mass, Monday through Saturday, 8:30am

Confession: every Saturday afternoon, 4pm - 4:45pm

Weekends: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7:30am (English), 10am (English), and 11:30am (Polish)

Holy Days
7am, 6:30pm, 8pm (Polish)
(Assumption of the BVM, All Saint's Day, Immaculate Conception)

Other Holy Days & Holidays
New Year's Eve, December 31 Vigil Mass 5pm,
New Year's Day, January 1 Masses 10:00am (English), & 11:30am (Polish)
Ash Wednesday, 7am, 6:30pm, 8pm (Polish)
Stations of the Cross during Lent-every Friday, 7pm (English), 8pm (Polish)
Holy Thursday, 7pm (English & Polish)
Good Friday, Passion 3pm (English), 8pm (Polish)
Holy Saturday, Blessing of the Easter Food Baskets, 9:30am - 12:30pm every 30 mins
Easter Vigil, 8pm
Easter Sunday, 7:30am, 10am, 11:30am (Polish)
Christmas Eve, 5pm Children's Pageant, 10pm (Polish), Midnight (English)
Christmas Day, 7:30am (English), 10am (English), 11:30am (Polish)

First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 9am - 12 noon
Pro-Life Rosary every first Saturday of the month at 4:30pm
Holy Hour & Mass for the Unborn, 7pm, January (the same day as the March for Life takes place in Washington, DC)
Holy Saturday, Blessing of the Easter Food Baskets, 9:30am - 12:30pm every 30 mins
Divine Mercy Devotion, Sunday after Easter, 3pm (English & Polish)
Pro-Life Prayer/Life Chain, first Sunday in October, 2pm

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