Parish Committees
and Ministries
At Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church we are committed
to providing a vibrant parish that nourishes our parishioners
minds and souls in support and spread of the gospel. We look
for opportunities to grow in faith and fellowship with each
other offering many ways for our parishioners to get involved
in parish life and to know where to reach out for support
when needed. We go in peace to love and serve the Lord and
one another.
I Liturgical Ministries
Altar Care Services
Altar Care Team is responsible for care for all altars and
linens during the different liturgical seasons throughout
the church year. Making sure all linens and items are kept
in their rightful place within the sanctuary and sacristy.
Adella Kowalski lead
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are responsible for assisting the priest and
deacon at all of our Sunday liturgies, Holy Days, and special
Masses/celebrations throughout the year. If you have made
your First Holy Communion and wish to serve the priests at
Mass please call 908-637-4269.
Raegan & Stacy Davies leads
Church Decorating Committee
The altar should properly be adorned for each season of the
year; Advent, Christmas, Ordinary time, Lent, and Easter.
They beautify the altar without distracting from the central
focus of the Mass. They decorate the altar for all seasons
and special occasions.
MaryAnn Boatman lead
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers require pastor and diocesan approval,
and must be in good standing with the church. They must be
at least 16 years of age, received confirmation, and have
a strong faith and respect for the Eucharist. Eucharistic
Ministers must be positive examples in their Christian life.
Eucharistic ministers are commissioned for 3 year periods.
They check to make sure other ministers are there when signing
in. Assist the priest and deacon in distributing the Eucharist
at Mass, at Forest Manor, or when visiting the sick or homebound.
They make sure everything is in place and ready for Mass;
the wine crucibles, hosts, etc. If you are interested in becoming
an Eucharistic Minister please call 908-637-4269.
Les Baranowski lead
Flower Arrangement Committee
Making sure that there are flower arrangements on the Main
Altar for the weekend Masses and other special occasions.
They buy and arrange the flowers and clean the vases from
prior weeks use.
Czesia Hader lead
Forest Manor
Bring communion to the local nursing home. If you are one
of our Eucharistic Ministers and wish to serve our elderly
population by visiting Forest Manor and bringing Holy Communion
please call 908-637-4269.
Corinne & Ray Fischer leads
Ushers are the gate keepers for the church. An usher can be
one of the most valuable public relations representative in
the church. No one comes in personal contact with as many
people. Ultimately, the ushers "Christ-like" manner
and attitude will be a soul-winning aide.
Tony Russack lead
Lectors require Pastor approval and must be in good standing
with the church. They read announcements before Mass and proclaim
the first reading, responsorial psalm, second reading, and
petitions. Sometimes lectors read letters from our Bishop.
We could always use good readers (Lectors) for all of our
Masses. If you wish to volunteer and be put on our rotating
schedule or just be a substitute please call 908-637-4269.
Walt Horzepa lead
Liturgy Team
This requires attendance of the ministry leads for periodic
and seasonal meetings to plan the various liturgies. This
includes; Pastor, Vicar, Deacon, leads for: Eucharistic Ministers,
Lector, Altar Servers, Church Decorating, Music, Religious
Ed, RCIA, and other planners.
Deacon Stephen Gunther lead
Music Ministry
To encourage participation for all the Masses so as to enhance
the beauty of each liturgy through music. This ministry is
involved in both children and adult choirs and covers all
Masses throughout the year.
Kevin McCann lead
Sacramental Set Up
This ministry is responsible for overseeing the set up for
Baptisms, funerals, and weddings. They would set out all the
necessary items needed for that particular ceremony and clean
up when the ceremony is finished.
Leader Needed
II Formation and Faith Education Ministries
Adult Formation
This ministry's goal is to encourage our parishioners to learn
about their Catholic faith. Bible studies and relevant talks
are scheduled on an on-going basis.
MaryAnn Boatman lead
Baptismal Prep
This ministry is responsible for teaching a 30 minute Baptismal
Prep class once a month, or as needed, to parents and Godparents.
If you are considering Baptizing your child here at our church
you must attend at least 1 Baptismal Prep class. Baptisms
are usually done on Saturday mornings at 11am. Classes must
be attended before the Baptism. Call 908-637-4269 to register
for the class.
Marilyn Gorski lead
Religious Education Program
The function of Ss. Peter & Paul’s Religious Education
Program is to reinforce the instruction and beliefs of our
Church which are being taught at home. We provide a Roman
Catholic religious education to the children of our parish,
grades Kindergarten through 8. We teach the doctrine of our
Catholic Church utilizing Diocesan programs. Our Catechists
share their own faith commitment as well as their knowledge,
always mindful of our Catholic traditions. Classes take place
every Sunday morning, September through early May. To sign
up your child for classes please call 908-637-4269.
Diane Francis lead
RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
RCIA is a journey of conversion, a process by which those
who are unbaptized, baptized into another faith denomination,
or baptized Catholic but have not received Eucharist or Confirmation
can enter fully into the Catholic Church. It is primarily
for adults but can be adapted for children of catechetical
age (over the age of 7). If you would like to become Catholic
or make up some missing sacraments please call 908-637-4269.
Marilyn Gorski lead
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a key way for churches to
minister to their community, and not just to the kids, but
to the parents as well. VBS isn’t just summer Sunday
school. It can be a way to welcome "unchurched"
families to join our parish family or keep our little ones
spiritually active on summer break. It should make Jesus real
to kids. VBS should be fun! It should be a week filled with
playtime and spiritual teaching. VBS is also an opportunity
to engage young adults in service. This will keep them connected
to their church. We can give key VBS roles to young adults
and college kids from our parish.
Leader Needed
III Parish and Community Service Ministries
Angel Cooks
(Elderly Assistance /Sick and Homebound)
This is open to anyone who likes to cook. Fellow parishioners
who may be sick or caring for a loved one who needs a little
break once in a while; that’s where Angel Cooks come
in. A schedule is set up where a nutritional meal can be delivered
or picked up two or three times a week until the family is
back on their feet. If you are a family in need of this serve
provided here at our church please call 908-637-4269.
Leader needed
Buildings and Maintenance Committee
Building and Maintenance team is responsible for coordinating
the various building and maintenance requirements of the parish
in order to maintain our site in accordance with diocesan
Leader Needed
Food Card Ministry
Purchase enough food cards to sell after every Mass. Check
with our secretary to see if Food Cards are needed and make
sure there is someone after every Mass selling the cards.
We have Shop Rite certificates on sale after every Mass on
the weekends.
Leader Needed
Grounds Committee
Ensure that the grounds of the church are maintained in a
beautiful and tranquil way so people sense the peace of Christ
as soon as they enter the property.
Leader needed
Money Counters
Ensure that the money is counted, documented, and brought
to the bank immediately. We could always use new members;
call 908-637-4269.
Outreach Ministry
To minister to the needs of the hungry, the homeless, the
elderly, the abused, and the children in our parish and local
community. If you are in need please call 908-637-4269, all
calls are kept confidential.
Lisa French lead
Pro-Life Ministry
Promote and encourage the sanctity of life from conception
to natural death by establishing Ss. Peter & Paul Church
as an active Pro Life parish. Educate parishioners on Pro
Life current topics.
Gail McMahon lead
Rosary Makers Group
Assemble rosaries that are sent around the world.
We meet every first Sunday of the month from October to
May in our Parish Hall from 8:30am - 12 noon. No skills
necessary. All are welcome.
Gail McMahon lead
Rosary Societies
Educate and promote a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Rosary is prayed every third Wednesday of the month in
the side chapel at 6:30pm followed by a short meeting. Anyone
can come and pray the Rosary. The Polish Rosary is prayed
every first Friday of the month at 7pm. Both Rosary Groups
welcome new members.
Marie Krsulic (English) lead
Czesia Hader (Polish) lead
Walking Pilgrimages
Walking Pilgrimages are a form of prayer. We plan and coordinate
the one-day walking pilgrimage. It is usually held the Saturday
of Corpus Christi. We also plan and coordinate the 4-day walking
pilgrimage. This is held in early August. You can find more
indepth information on
John Prusak lead
Marek Szczeblewski lead
Eileen Wyss lead
Web Site Design
Periodically update the parish website design to reflect the
activities of our parish and how people can get information
and get involved in parish life.
Kate Tibak lead
Youth Ministry
This is open to all students in grades 8 through 12.
As a baptized member of the Church, Jesus Christ calls you
to follow in his footsteps and make a difference in the world
today. You can make a difference! The goal is for adolescents
to gather on a regular basis to pray together, share and discuss
our Catholic faith and join together for social outreach projects,
Catholic Youth Conferences, Youth Mass- Steubenville, OH,
as well as socializing and having fun.
Leader Needed