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Christmas 2024-1

Christmas 2024-2

Christmas 2024-3

Christmas 2024-4

Christmas 2024-5



Give thanks always !

THanksgiving Altar 2024

THanksgiving 2024



Standing in silent prayer, praying for the protection of all the unborn.

Life Chain 2024



June, honoring St. Joseph and all fathers, living and deceased

Fathers Day 2024



Pentecost 2024



May, honoring our Blessed Virgin Mary and all mothers, living and deceased

Mothers Day 2024


Easter 2024

Easter 2024 1

Easter 2024 2

Easter 2024 3

Easter 2024 4


Easter Outreach 2024

We helped 28 families and donated 71 Easter Baskets. God bless our generous parishioners.

Outreach Easter 2024-1

Outreach Easter 2024-2

Outreach Easter 2024-3

Outreach Easter 2024-4

Outreach Easter 2024-5


LENT 2024

Lent 2024-1

Lent 2024-2

Lent 2024-3


Christmas 2023

Christmas 2023 B

Christmas 2023 A

Christmas 2023 C

Christmas 2023 D

Christmas 2023 E


Christmas Nativity Set-Up 2023

Our Confirmation students with their parents came and set up our outside nativity scenes. Thanks so much and God bless.

Christmas 2023 F

Christmas 2023 G

Christmas 2023 H

Christmas 2023 I

Christmas 2023 J

Christmas 2023 K

Christmas set up 2023


Outreach Christmas Giving Tree 2023

Our very generous parishioners will be purchasing Christmas presents for approximatley 90 children this Christmas.

Outreach Christmas Giving Tree 2023



Helping over 30 families this year!

THank 2023-1

THank 2023-2

THank 2023-3

THank 2023-4

THank 2023-5



Nov Bapt Display 2023


October 2023, the month of the Rosary

Rosary-Oct 2023


October 1, 2023
Life Chain to pray for the protection of all the unborn.

Life chain 2023-1

Life chain 2023-13

Life chain 2023-2

Life chain 2023-3

Life chain 2023-4

Life chain 2023-5

Life chain 2023-6

Life chain 2023-7

Life chain 2023-8

Life chain 2023-9

Life chain 2023-10

Life chain 2023-11

Life chain 2023-12


Our very first Corpus Christi Procession on our church grounds, June 11, 2023. This is the year the church is promoting the Eucharist.

CC 2023-1

CC 2023-2

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CC 2023-8

CC 2023-9

CC 2023-10

CC 2023-11

CC 2023-12

CC 2023-13

CC 2023-14

CC 2023-15


May 2023, We honor our Blessed Mother

May Mary Disp



Div Mercy 2023


Easter 2023

Easter 2023-1

Easter 2023-2

Easter 2023-3

Easter 2023-4


Lent 2023

Lent candle


100th Birthday, Alberta Piasecki
We held a dinner to honor and celebrate our parishioner, Alberta Piasecki, who is turning 100 on April 26th. The dinner was held on March 25, 2023. Everyone who came contributed food and or drink to the party.
What a great FUN night!

Alberta 1

Alberta 2

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Alberta 26

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Alberta 30

Alberta 31

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Alberta 39

Alberta 40

Alberta 41


Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

God bless us, everyone!


Every November the call goes out to our entire congregation and they respond in flying colors. We were able to help 38 families this Thanksgiving with a food basket and a turkey all thanks to the wonderful parishioners of our church. Many thanks to our Religious Ed Program students and parents for bringing over all the food from the church and sorting it. Many thanks to our amazing Outreach Team for organizing and bagging all the groceries. May God bless our generous parishioners and the families they help. HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

Thank 2022-1

Thank 2022-2

Thank 2022-3

Thank 2022-4

Thank 2022-5


Thanksgiving 2022

Thanksgiving altar

Thanksgiving 2022
Give thanks every day!



All Souls

November is the month all Catholics
remember and pray for the dead.


October 2022 - The Month of the Rosary

Fathers Day

October is the month dedicated to the Rosary.
Pray the Rosary every day.















June 2022 - Father's Day

Fathers Day

St. Joseph--Pray for us.
Dedicated to St. Joseph and all Fathers living and deceased.



Easter Pond

Easter Pond

Easter jail

Easter tomb

Easter tab

Easter tomb-tab

Easter Altar full


Outreach Program at Work (Easter 2022)

Lent cross display

Every Easter our Outreach Program asks our parishioners to help supply Easter Baskets for those less fortunate; and they always come through with beautiful baskets. God bless them. We supplied 56 children with Easter Baskets and fed 26 families with Easter meals.


Lent 2022

Lent cross display


Diocese of Metuchen
St. Timothy & St. Teresa of Calcutta Awards 2022
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

"...Everything begins with an effective witness, a testimony, an example. You have done that and we gather today to recognize and thank you for loving God and neighbor, and we entrust our young brothers and sisters to the care of St. Timothy and St. Teresa of Calcutta." - Most Rev. James F. Checchio, Bishop of Metuchen.
We congratulate our own Emily Pilny, one of this year's St. Timothy Award recipients. Here are some pictures of Emily at Wednesday's celebration at the annual diocesan St. Timothy and St. Teresa of Calcutta Awards Ceremony and Mass at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Metuchen. We are so proud of you, Emily! God bless you and all you do for so many.

Timothy 1

Timothy 2

Timothy 3

Timothy 4

Timothy 5



Christmas 2021 A

Christmas 2021 B

Christmas 2021 C

Christmas 2021 D


100th Anniversary Dinner with Bishop Checchio

We celebrated our 100th year of existance in 2021. We had a parishioner dinner on August 15th, 2021 (the actual day we turned 100) and had a dinner with the Bishop of our Diocese (Metuchen), Bishop James Checchio and area priests on Saturday, November 6th, 2021. The dinner was fully paid for and catered by Bell's Mansion of Stanhope and the desserts were donated by the Polish Slavic Federal Credit Union.  

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ALL SOULS DAY 11/2/2021

All Souls



Thanks to some of our parishioners we were able to send to this priest in India approximately $1400.00 to help build this beautiful mission church. This is the same priest we send a lot of our hand-made Rosaries.

India church 1

India church 2

India church 4

India church 5


13th Life Chain

October 3, 2021

Every first Sunday in October our church participates in Respect Life Sunday by holding a Life Chain. A Life Chain is an outward sign of silent protest against abortion. This year we had a nice turn out of our parishioners standing up for all the unborn children throughout the world and praying for their protection.

Life chain3

Life chain4


20th Anniversary of 9/11

Our Altar was decorated so elegantly on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11. We gathered at 9:59am to pray the Rosary with emphasis on praying for people in each state of the entire United States and sang patriotic songs in between each decade. Approximately 30 people attended.




Thank you to our very generous parishioners for all their donations. We were able to help approximately 10 families. Many thanks to Kathy Wyss and Trish Horzepa for organizing and displaying all the school supplies. God bless our parishioners and our families in need.

sch supp 1

sch supp 2

sch supp 3

sch supp 4

sch supp 5

sch supp 6


100th Anniversary Dinner, August 15, 2021

Approximately 130 parishioners attended. Thank you to the Polish Slavic Federal Credit Union of Stroudsburg, PA for sponsoring the entire meal. Thank you to all our busy bakers for the wonderful and abundant desserts. This was a fun event.

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Good Fri

Easter Altar 1

Easter Altar 2

Easter Altar 3

Easter 5

Easter 4



Check out all the beautiful Easter Baskets and food our super generous parishioners donated for families in need this Easter!

Easter food 1

Easter food 2

Easter hams

Easter Food


Epiphany of the Lord, Three Kings Day, January 3, 2021

House blessing on the Feast of the Epiphany
We invite you to adopt this custom in your family. The family gathers to ask God’s blessing on their home and on those who live in or visit the home. It is an invitation for Jesus to be a daily guest in our home, our comings and goings, our conversations, our work and play, our joys and sorrows.
A traditional way of doing this is to use chalk to write above the home’s entrance, C + M + B + (current year). The letters C, M, B have two meanings. They are the initials of the traditional names of the three magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They are also an abbreviation of the Latin words Christus mansionem benedicat, “May Christ bless this house.” The “+” signs represent the cross and the phrase ends with the current year.

Instructions for Blessing the Home
Using the blessed chalk, mark the lintel of your front door (or front porch step) as follows:
C + M + B + 2021 while saying:
The three Wise Men, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar followed the star of God’s Son who became human two thousand and twenty one years ago. May Christ bless our home and remain with us throughout the New Year. Amen.

Then offer the following prayer: Visit, O blessed Lord, this home with the gladness of your presence. Bless all who live or visit here with the gift of your love; and grant that we may manifest your love to each other and to all whose lives we touch. May we grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of you; guide, comfort, and strengthen us in peace, O Jesus Christ, now and forever. Amen

“Chalking the door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home. With time the chalk will fade. As it does, we let the meaning of the symbols written sink into the depths of our heart and are manifest in our words and actions the Latin words, Christus mansionem benedictat, “May Christ bless this house.”

Three Kings 1

Three Kings 2



Our super generous parishioners come together every Thanksgiving and donate all this food. While our Religious Ed students and parents help sort and bag for a nice Thanksgiving meal for the less fortunate in our community.

Thank Food 1

Rosary 5

Rosary 4

Rosary 5



Our parishioners got together on RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY
(October 4th, 2020)
to pray for the protection of the unborn and an end to abortion.

Rosary 4

Rosary 5

Rosary 4

Rosary 5


Rosary for Police 9/26/2020

Rosary 1

Rosary 2

Rosary 3

Rosary for Police was prayed outside the Police Station on Rt. 46 in Great Meadows on Saturday, September 26th, 2020 for the protection of the Police as they protect us. Members of Ss. Peter & Paul Church were in attendence as well as our Rosary Society, members of our Religious Ed Program, and other community members.

Rosary 4

Rosary 5

Rosary 6

Rosary 5

Rosary 4

Rosary 6
