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New to the Area?

Hi and welcome to our website.
Are you new in our area? Are you interested in attending our church?
Our daily Masses are celebrated Monday through Saturday at 8:30am.
Weekend Masses are celebrated
Saturday evening at 5pm,
Sunday morning at
7:30am (for our very early risers),
10:00am (Family Mass),
11:30am (for people who speak and understand Polish).
We suggest that you attend a Mass or two to see if we are a "fit" for you and your family.

Becoming members:
If you would like to become members please fill out a Family Registration Form which can be found near the bulletins.
Call 908-637-4269 (church office) to receive Offering Envelopes.

Call the church office anytime Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:30am - 3:00pm, 908-637-4269, if you have any questions.
