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Click here for FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Paperwork
Due back Sunday, March 2nd, 2024

Click here for CONFIRMATION Paperwork
Due back Sunday, March 2nd, 2024

We belong to a very special Church which was instituted by Christ over 2,000 years ago. The function of Ss. Peter & Paul’s Faith Formation Program is to reinforce the instruction and beliefs of our church which are being taught at home. We provide a Roman Catholic religious education to the children of our parish, grades Kindergarten through 8. We teach the doctrine of our Catholic Church utilizing Diocesan programs. Our Catechists share their own faith commitment as well as their knowledge, always mindful of our Catholic traditions.

For the good of all, we ask you to observe the following guidelines:

Classes are offered to registered families of students grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.

In order to receive your sacraments you must attend grades 1-8 consecutively.

We offer preparation for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation.

For the Sacrament of Confirmation please see the "Sponsor Rules" tab to the left.

Classes are held every Sunday, mid-September through early May.

Kindergarten is FREE

To sign up please send an email to dfrancis280@comcast.net or call the Faith Formation Office at 908-637-4269.

Diane Francis is the director of our program.
