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Thank You

Ace Pest Control for coming to our church and taking care of unwanted pests.
They come every year and spray for free and keep the mice away.
Highly recommend this company.

Ace Pest Control
Great Meadows, NJ


Pio Costa Sand & Gravel company for donating any type of stone to our church whenever we need it.
They carry a wide varitity of stone, sand, mulch, etc.
Highly recommend this company.

Pio Costa Sand & Gravel
2 Costa Lane
Great Meadows, NJ 07838


Godlewsky Farms & Greenhouses has donated over many, many years flowers for Our Lady's statues, candles for our statues, Christmas Trees, Christmas wreathes, and given us flowers at their cost for our flower sales and more. We highly recommend you visiting this farm. Visit their website-www.godlewskyfarms.com.
Godlewsky Farms & Greenhouses
215 Alphano Rd.
Great Meadows, NJ 07838


Ort Farms has donated our Thanksgiving Altar decorations over the past few years. We would like to thank them for their generosity. Visit their website-www.ortfarms.com and let them know you saw their donations at our church.
Ort Farms
25 Bartley Rd.
Long Valley, NJ 07853
