Your invited to an Alpha "In Person" or "On-line" gathering.
What is Alpha?
-- Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others.
-- It is a low-pressure environment designed to discuss the big questions in life about
God, Faith, and Meaning.
-- Every Alpha session has three key ingredients: Food, Talk, and Discussion.

So what does that look like?
- Food Alpha is relational. And nothing builds relationships like sharing food together. Each Alpha session starts with a meal (in person only)
- Talk Every week there is a video episode that explores the basics of the Christian faith
- Discussion After the talk is a time of discussion in small groups where guests can share their thoughts and questions or just sit and listen as others express their feelings and thoughts

Alpha is run all over the world:
- In 2018, 1.3 million people tried Alpha, in over 100 countries
- Its fully aligned with our Catholic faith and values
- Its endorsed by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Alpha has been run in many parishes across the United States and we are one of 17 parishes
offering Alpha in New Jersey this fall

* Alpha makes sharing your faith easier - something as simple as sharing your faith with someone, and inviting them to try Alpha, can have a huge impact.
Click on any of our parishioners who already experienced Alpha:
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